
Showing posts from April, 2020

I'll Be Back.........

For those who haven't heard, myself, along with all the other missionaries participating in this online MTC experience will be released as missionaries as soon as our training is complete (on Tuesday). We will be given 2 options if we wish to continue our service.  The first is to choose to go out into the mission field as soon as conditions allow. For me, this would probably mean a temporary relocation to somewhere that would be more safe or accessible than South Africa while I wait for the country to open its borders to American visa holders again. The time spent both waiting for reassignment and serving in my reassignment will however count towards my 24 months. I will still complete my service in March 2022.  The second option is to choose to defer my mission another 12-18 months until mission conditions are safer. If I choose this option, there's a good chance that I can serve as a missionary for the full 24 months, probably in South Afr...