Conference and Kenny is Internet Famous??? (Week 6)

Hi everybody!

This week was a good one. On Tuesday we had another Bible study with Carmen. And Carmen is amazing! We have really enjoyed meeting with her and we studied the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. And she tuned into our Facebook live! And our Facebook live was really cool! We went in depth about Mosiah 4. This was the chapter that after I read in my personal study, that I went to Elder Leavitt and said we need to do a Facebook live series about this. The live has been amazing and we are doing a 4th part tomorrow!

Wednesday we had a super busy day. We had district council in the morning and then we met with Loree! We were able to teach her most of the Plan of Salvation. The spirit was felt so strongly in that meeting. Loree is literally amazing. She went through her house and found a book of mormon that her mom said may or may not be there, and she wants to read and study! Everything we teach makes good sense to her and she has some amazing righteous desires. We have loved teaching her! 

We also had an awesome service project on Wednesday. We did more garden service for the food bank where we spread some mulch and trimmed some vines. It was raining pretty heavily and we were all drenched but we did a lot of good work which was honestly pretty fun.

We also were able to meet with Boone Wednesday night. He is an awesome guy! We showed up at the church 10 minutes early because he was riding his bike there and we wanted to meet him, and he was already there! He is a great friend to us.

Thursday was a slower day. We had 3 lessons fall though. So we did some facebook finding and area book contacting.

On Friday we did more service for the food bank. It was a lot of weeding and preparing the ground for next year. I worked a lot in a herb plot that had a lot of mint, oregano, and chive plants! We met with our good friend Tom again, and I also made some cookies without eggs! So a back story there, I have started drinking chia seeds in the morning for good nutrients and to help my appetite and all that, and we saw that we can make a chia egg substitute by just mixing the seeds with a little bit of water. When the seeds get wet, they kind of gel up. And so i made cookies the normal way, and a batch with the chia egg substitute, and they both were really good! 

On Saturday we enjoyed General Conference. Elders Candland, Hansen, and Anderson came over from Charlotte. We ate a lot of cookies and snacks. 

 Conference was amazing! For me I recognized 3 overarching themes.

1. We need to prepare temporally, spiritually, and emotionally for the future

2. We need to become increasingly Chirst-like

3. We need to become increasingly unified as a society and as a church

Its such a pleasure to hear from these amazing prophets and apostles.

 I also made a Facebook post starring Kenny. And I made some parallels to Kenny's growth and how we can bring about spiritual growth, and it received way more attention than i ever thought! I had people from Michigan who aren't interested in the gospel share and comment on the post. It was a great testimony to me that we really do have a sphere of influence on those we wouldn't think that we do. Long story short, everyone loves Kenny.

I hope you guys are all doing well and that you all had a great Conference weekend! 

Talk to you soon

-Elder Oswald

My post for Kenny

The Conference Crew

Cookie dough's

Normal cookies and chia cookies


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