Snowman Miracles (week 19)

Hello everyone and happy new year! 

It has been a great week here in Michigan! We are coming up on the very last week of the transfer now which is crazy!

This week our companionship was able to coordinate and lead a pilot program for a new social media initiative we are trying to launch. 2 of the missions zones are participating in this pilot program so that we can get some projected numbers together for the mission. We are doing something that really no other mission has done and that is the use of area and subject matter specific Facebook groups. We have some really cool early successes and we are excited to see what comes out of it all. 

Our zone has also been in a content competition with the Jackson zone which our companionship and the Jackson SMS companionship have launched. Our content creation was out of this world! We have a document where missionaries enter their captions for their content and that document went from being 1 page long to being 117 pages long. It was insane!

On Friday we finally got a decent amount of snow and Elder Averill just had to build a snowman. So after 9, we went out and built a snowman. In the process, there was a lady who called out to us and we joked with her for a bit. We started to build the snowman and she comes out with her kids and hands us some plastic... hands for the snowman! It was very kind. And so here we are with this woman talking to her. A few weeks ago we were referred a couple in our apartment building. With some technical issues we weren't able to get in contact with them. Little did she know, we knew exactly who she was when we were talking to her. We hadn't received hardly any more information than just a name but we felt that it was her, and when we asked her name, it confirmed it! She has this incredible story! In 2019 she was in a really bad car accident that she definitely shouldn't have survived. But she did. She has used that experience to help others overcome their alcoholism and to be a light and inspiration to others. She is amazing!

Its been an amazing week, and things are great here in Michigan! Thank you for all your support and I wish you the best in 2021!

Elder Oswald


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